• You are under 18 years old
  • You are pregnant or nursing
  • You are on Retin A or Accutane product
  • You are allergic to Lidocaine
  • You have diabetes, high blood pressure, hemophilia, heart disease, epilepsy or any immune system disease
  • You are battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy
  • You have leukemia, sarcomas, glaucoma
  • You are prone to keloids
  • You have any healing disorders, uncontrolled high blood pressure or mitral valve disorder
  • You have eczema, psoriasis or any open cuts, sores or wounds near the treated area
  • You have viral infections and/or diseases
  • You had Botox in the past 1-2 months
  • You had filler injections in the past 6 weeks
  • You had plastic surgery in the past 12 months
  • You had antibiotics or steroid shots less than 30 days before the procedure
  • You had an organ transplant


  • If you have a history of cold sores, you must be on a prescribed medication before, during and after any lip procedure (i.e.: Zovirax, Valtrex)
  • If you are on blood thinners or fish oil, please stop taking them 1-2 weeks prior the appointment
  • If you use Latisse or eyelash enhancers, you must stop using them 3 months prior to an eyeliner procedure
  • Remove eyelash extensions at least 5 days prior to an eyeliner procedure
  • If you wear contacts, do not wear them on the day of your eyeliner procedure. Please bring glasses instead.